Friday, July 20, 2007

12 more hours

That's right only 12 more hours to go until The Deathly Hallows is

Olbermann slams Bush after Hillary blamed for losing Iraq

MSNBC's Keith Olbermann began tonight's Countdown program with a special comment. The unusual move to open his show with the comment, which are almost always reserved for the closing of the program, added gravity to his words.

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Harry Potter countdown: 1 day!

With one day left the excitement for The Deathly Hallows has hit an all time high for a book in the series. Tonight midnight release parties will usher in the final book. I will be attending the midnight release party at the Books-a-million in Tiger-town, here in Auburn, Al. I'll be snapping shots and bring you first hand news of all things Potter. Look for my posts in the early hours of the morning and than my review some time tomorrow afternoon!

Now today's item is a controversial review that was post on A staff writer got her hands on the book early and wrote a review that than ran in the paper. Stores were not supposed to sale the book early but many have. I in fact could have picked up a book yesterday from a local store after asking to get shots of the boxes. The clerk told me that he would gladly sell me to book. Of course I said no.

Here is the link to the NY Times review.
Have fun at the release parties tonight and Happy Reading!


Thursday, July 19, 2007

Actual Picture of Leaked Deathly Hallows

I found this picture of the book online, don't worry no spoilers just the first page.  I guess this proves that the people who leaked the book on bit torrent actually had the real copy.  I am sure that Scholastic will bring legal action to those involved.  This could prove to be the most expensive picture that person or persons have ever taken.  Please do not download this book from bit torrent seeing as it would ruin the excitement of the release. 

Harry Potter countdown: 2 days

Harry Potter Boxes, originally uploaded by bamshackles.

With all the hype surrounding the seventh book I figured it would be cool to get a few shots before it was released. After alittle detective work I found where the books were hidden. Sadly they were in there boxes safely sealed. Still I took a few pictures that should help increase the excitment. This is as close as your going to get to book seven legally. Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Harry Potter Countdown: Day 3

With only three days left until Harry Potter hits stores for the last time reports have been issued that one of the books sellers has sent out advance copies early.  This was a big no no with he publishers and now legal action may be taken.  Here is the link to the story.
Also had a great article about Professor Snape and his true motives.  If you have a second have a read because I found the story well written.  It brought to light a few issues with Snape I have yet to think of.  Here is the link.
We only have three more days!

Teen Buys PS2 on eBaY, Gets $90,000 Instead

A British teenager who bought a Sony PlayStation 2 on eBay for £95 ($194) got more than he bargained for when he opened the package. Instead of a shiny, happy gaming console, there was a whole heap of euros - €65,400 ($90,000) to be precise

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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Deathly Hallows called 'greenest book' in history

When you thin of the millions of Harry Potter books sold each year you don't stop to think about all the trees that must be cut down to provide the papper for these books. With the release of "The Deathly Hallows" Scholastic Inc is changing all of that...

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Harry Potter countdown: 4 days

In four days we will have Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in our
hands. Sadly there are those who can't wait to spoil the fun we are

Today on it was revieled that someone had leaked the
entire book onto bittorrent. When downloaded you get a photocopied
version of every page.

This is very sad and I hope that it does not spoil the ending for
those of us who are patient. All I will say is that this person will
not ruin my fun. I will wait four more days and enjoy HP 7 the legal

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Monday, July 16, 2007

Harry Potter countdown begins....

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows comes out on Saturday July, 21st 2007!

Today marks the first day in a week long countdown where I'll feature a Harry themed post for each day left. Today take a look at my ticket to the seventh and final book in the series.

My new Iphone.

I got an iphone last week. I really love it. You should really believe the hype because this is the best thing apple has released in a long time. Check out these pictures of it and be jealous!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Attack of the Killer Chihuahua

Watch out if you see this evil beast roaming around your bushes, Wanita is the most terrifying chihuahua of all time and will eat your face! You have been warned.

Xbox setup

Check out my awesome Xbox 360 setup for racing games. It took a while to save up for it but I finally did. I got the official racing wheel from Microsoft and than a 20 inch lcd from HP. I have been having a blast in Project Gotham Racing 3.

Hit me up on xbox live my tag is bamshackles.