Monday, June 18, 2007

Random musings on life...

So I am sitting in bed waiting on my lovely girlfriend to get home from work. I'm listening to Journey 's Don't Stop Believing which may seem strange but its fitting when you think about America and how things are going right now. Times are hard for the true middle to lower class of hard working people that makeup the strongest part of this nation. But enough about that for now. I'll blog that rant at a later date.

As I was saying I am waiting on my beautiful lady to get home from Applebees. She is a server/host there and her working nights is one way that we make ends meet. Tomorrow she is starting a job at JCPenny's so she'll how two jobs. I know living the American dream right!

I of course work at AuburnBank. As you might have guessed from the above statements I don't make a ton of money. Its not a bad job but its alright I guess. If you were to take into account inflation and the cost of living now I'd say that I make closer to minimum wage than you might think. Hopefully good things will start to happen at the old job soon. I've been there a year so I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Well i guess I got to go do other non important stuff but I'll finish this later with my rants on America's ever declining economy, political process, and over quality of living...

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