Thursday, August 16, 2007

Bioshock and Madden 2008

Alright so I am on vacation from work this week. Besides going to the gym, playing with Oliver and spending lots of time with Mandy I have been playing Xbox 360. The two games that have my attention locked down are Madden 2008 and Bioshock.

Madden so far has proved to be an awesome football game that makes NCAA 2008 look like pure crap. No only does it look much better but it also plays better. The frame rate is moving along at a staggering 60 fps and it does not have the lockup issues of its college sibling. As of now I have taken the Tennessee Titans to the playoffs and have a first round match up with New England. Expect the review some time next week.

Now a game that has gotten much hype is 2k's Bioshock. Many gamers have been waiting for it for some time now and it should prove to be one of the 360's top games. Well I got to pick it a week early and let me just say that it is the best looking game I have played in a long time. The effects are top notch and the animations really help capture the setting. If you don't have a HDTV than you will be missing out on one of the best parts of the game.

It also controls well and the Computer AI is on target. I don't want to give to much away yet but let me say that its leaps and bounds better than the demo thats online at the marketplace now. I would say that I am halfway through he game so a review is about a week off.

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